10k Schools Articles
Who is Ultimately Responsible for Safe Hiring Practise?
Teacher Skills Shortages – A Looming Safeguarding Crisis?
The Problem With Criminal Record Checks
UK Rehabilitation & Offenders Act – Implications for Recruitment
Passing the Trash – Offloading Problem Educators
Why are CVs Banned From UK Hiring Processes?
Peer on Peer Grooming – How Educators Become Complicit in Child Sexual Abuse
Safer Recruitment and SCR – The Elephant in the Room
School Referencing – Houston, We Have a Problem!
In a world first for education, we create success profiles that will change how you hire or even promote, forever. What does this mean?
We use psychometric evaluations of your existing team, identifying the hidden traits, motives and values that can help predict high performing candidates in the context of your specific school. tailoring the competencies to those which specifically impact your context. This isn’t about replacing your judgement, but allowing you to view the bigger picture and make even better selection decisions – usage of this game changing feature is unlimited and can be applied to every candidate in your job pools
We’ve benchmarked and improved upon the most advanced candidate management systems, to simplify how you view candidate profiles from adverts across TES, Teach Away, LinkedIn or any other job board your school uses. Standardising the candidate profile data enables 10k Schools to make shortlisting a breeze – effortlessly evaluating a candidate pool of hundreds to leave only the ones who meet your job requirements.
The time saving across all your school’s jobs, of this way of working has to be seen to be believed!
Unlimited access to the world’s most advanced automated screening and ongoing workforce compliance monitoring tools from the International Digital Credential Verification Agency. (IDCVA)
This ensures your school has an unprecedented defence against those unsuitable to work with children or those seeking to hide problematic references or adverse media. As the inputs are automated, managing your Single Central Register becomes a breeze – because it’s impossible to make a mistake.
We perform annual global Employee Engagement surveys across all our schools.
This enables school leaders to not only see workforce perspectives and areas for organisation development, but external benchmarking the results across all other 10k Schools allows you to understand how your school compares vs peers.
This is a world first for education, giving evidence-backed insights into the areas school leaders and HR need to focus on not just to enhance retention internally, but to outperform peers and enhance reputation externally.
With 10k Schools, we don’t restrict or meter usage of these game changing tools
Everything you see plus unlimited seats (users) and tech support, is included in a single annual subscription.
Our mission is to ensure schools have equal access to the most advanced tools, so we can help all schools elevate their capabilities in the fight against global teacher shortages, and keeping children safe in education.